I'm not just talking about poorly made games that know one has heard of, I'm saying REAL GAMES such as Burnout Paradise, MLB 2k9, Crysis: Warhead, Bioshock and MORE! Picture yourself jumping across rooftops on Mirror's Edge and then your friend sends you a message about playing MLB 2k9, but you don't own the game. Pshh no need to get out of your chair, just purchase the game RIGHT THEN AND THERE! The game streams from their server to your OnLive console, so to experience high definition gaming, you need a good internet connection (the biggest pet peeve for me). I don't want to have to buy some expensive router just for OnLive, but I don't think anyone will have to or else the service wont sell.
Now a little more information about it is that the service works through Windows XP/Vista, Mac (Intel) computers and the OnLive console (of course). For playing on the computer you just need to download a (I'm hoping free) browser plug-in and that's it. The console seems to be very small from photos i've seen (even smaller than the controller itself) and has two USB ports for controllers, keyboard, or even a mouse. It also supports up to four wireless controllers and four bluetooth headsets, which makes for simple gaming. The controller reminds me of the xbox 360's, but without the middle xbox guide button. The four buttons on the top right spell out LIVE, which is kind of nice because it is a word you can remember in your head to help you get used to the buttons.
So, even though I wont be waiting in line to get this exceptional creation, I will be trying it out whenever I get the chance at a local best buy, or my friends house. Anyone interested in trading in their trusted Sony PS3 or Microsoft Xbox 360 for this new idea? Leave comments below. Also if you want to check out the website here's the link:
OnLive and if you REALLY like this product then sign-up for the beta program, and try it out on your computer (I don't think you can test the console itself yet), but for those who love their keyboards and mouses (or mice) then sign right up. They start selecting testers in the summer, so hurry up. There's no telling how many people they will accept.